Unicorn Management Consultants, LLC
52 Federal Road, Suite 2C
Danbury, CT  06810
ph  203.205.9000
fx  203.205.9011
[email protected]
Unicorn Management Consultants, LLC    
Unicorn Management Consultants, LLC

Geotechnical Services

Download the full UMC Scope of Services (PDF)

UMC's geotechnical services staff includes geologists, hydrogeologists, and environmental scientists. This broad expertise allows UMC to provide diverse, high quality services to our clients.  The primary focus of the Geological Services group is environmental investigations and related services including:

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments;
  • Phase II Site Characterization Planning and Implementation;
  • Groundwater investigation services;
  • CERCLA, RCRA, TSCA, Property Transfer, and Remedial Investigations;
  • Brownfield Redevelopment Projects; and
  • Risk Assessments.

The Phase I Site Assessment is the first step in identifying potential areas of concern at a site.  These assessments are conducted with a high standard of care and in strict compliance with applicable regulations and standards (federal, state, ASTM, and client-defined).  Sites are carefully evaluated through research, database searches and on-site reconnaissance.  The client is provided with a full documented report identifying known and potential environmental concerns. This report provides the client the data relating to the environmental condition of the property required to make informed decisions.  Alternatively or in addition to the full report, a focused report can be provided listing all issues and identifying costs to fully evaluate or resolve each issue.

Phase II activities focus on known and potential areas of environmental concern.  Our geotechnical services staff evaluates site features and uses to design and conduct structured, focused investigations.  Data collected in a Phase II investigation may eliminate potential areas of concern from further consideration or indicate that full characterization of the site or area is required.  

UMC’s Geotechnical Services staff provide our clients the expertise to meet the ever-increasing demand for clean ground water and to comply with state and federal rules, regulations and guidelines governing groundwater quality.  To evaluate existing groundwater conditions and quality and to monitor changes, UMC provides:

  • Groundwater sampling and data evaluation;
  • Groundwater monitoring and system design;
  • Installation and development of monitoring wells; and
  • Groundwater modeling services.

State and Federal regulations deal with the environmental condition of real property (CERCLA (or Superfund), RCRA, TSCA, and various state property transfer laws).  The Geotechnical Services staff works with the regulating agencies to provide comprehensive, approvable investigations to determine the condition of soil, groundwater, sediment, surface water, and any other affected media in accordance with the requirements of specific governing state or federal programs.

Brownfields are abandoned, idled, or under-used industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental problem.  State and federal agencies have placed a high priority on redevelopment of these sites to dissuade creation of new industrial sites on virgin property.  UMC works closely with the EPA and state officials in following program-specific guidelines for investigating, characterizing, and if necessary, remediating Brownfields.

Risk assessments can play an important role in determining the need to cleanup contaminated sites.  UMC Geotechnical Services staff offers our clients the blend of skills and capabilities important for identifying environmental risks, evaluating and quantifying these risks and determining risk acceptability. 

Our Geotechnical Services group works closely with other professionals at UMC to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to complex geological issues.  Upon completion of the investigation phase at most properties (Brownfields, Superfund sites, properties undergoing voluntary remediation, etc.) the Geotechnical staff remains involved in project negotiations to establish reasonable site cleanup standards and remedies, and developing effective strategies for land use and re-use projects.

Profiles of a sampling of projects that UMC and/or UMC staff have completed are included in Project Profiles section.


Unicorn Management Consultants, LLC
52 Federal Road, Suite 2C
Danbury, CT  06810
ph  203.205.9000
fx  203.205.9011
[email protected]

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Unicorn Management Consultants, LLC